Friday, January 10, 2020

A Crafting Call for Help

If you'd like to help with anything you see here just click --> Help Australia  for links you can donate to, to help.

 So a coworker at my day job, sent me a link to a call for crafters to help with the fires in Australia.  After my heartbreak a few years ago when we here in Portland, OR. lost our beloved multnomah falls and all the wildlife that we lost I knew I had to help with this.  As a lover of Australia since I was young, mostly due to the amazing animals and wildlife that lived there, I was happy to see I could use my crochet skills to help others!!

   The Animal Rescue Craft Guild has been amazing, letting us crafters around the world know what they need and how to get the items we craft to Australia.  We decided we will be using as much of our own supply/stock of yarn and fabric that we can butsome items need 100% natural fibers or specific materials. So I have already started a fundraiser on Facebook to help my small group of people ship and buy natural fiber fabric to line pouches with.  I also decided that I'll try and fundraise as much as I can so that any money not put toward our crafting for Australia can be split and donated to Global giving: Australian Wildfire Relief Fund (link above) and Animal Rescue Craft Guild (link also above).  

   I'll also be doing my first Twitch stream (link to channel above) to night from 4:30pm - 6:30pm (pst), and it's probably going to not be the greatest (it's my first & idk if I'm fully set up but I can't wait, the fires still burn!) but I'm jumping in and going to learn to swim as I go. This will also be a charity stream for Australia, any "tip" donations will be directly used for crafting or sent to an organization.  I'll also have links to other groups if you'd rather donated directly or help in others ways.

   Also in my shop from now until the end of the month 20% of EVERY purchase in my Etsy shop will be directly used for crafting items for Australia or donated directly to either of my charities.

  Thank you for all your support and help, whether you do it directly or help me and my friends.  Anything is welcome and appreciated and the people & animals of Australia thank you as well!